You could setup step by step the 20*4 SureElec. LCD with my memo :o)
Download and extract the archive.
wget we will build the driver.
aptitude install libusb-dev autogen automake
sh ./
./configure –enable-drivers=SureElec
make install
nano /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf
Then you could copy my LCDd.conf
# LCDd.conf -- configuration file for the LCDproc server daemon LCDd
## Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server ##
# Tells the driver to bind to the given interface
# Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.
# Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).
# Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? Default: no
# Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.
# User to run as. LCDd will drop its root priviledges,
# if any, and run as this user instead.
# If yes, the the serverscreen will be rotated as a usual info screen. If no,
# it will be a background screen, only visible when no other screens are
# active.
# The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.
# Where can we find the driver modules ?
# GoodBye message: each entry represents a display line; default: builtin
#GoodBye="Thanks for using"
#GoodBye=" LCDproc!"
# The "...Key=" lines define what the server does with keypresses that
# don't go to any client.
# These are the defaults:
# If you have only 4 keys, you can choose to use this:
# If you have only 3 keys, you can choose to use this:
## The menu section. The menu is an internal LCDproc client. ##
# You can configure what keys the menu should use. Note that the MenuKey
# will be reserved exclusively, the others work in shared mode.
# The following works excellent with 4 keys or more.
# If you have 6 keys you may define these as well
# If you have only 3 keys, you could use something like this:
### Driver sections are below this line, in alphabetical order ###
Device =/dev/ttyUSB0
You could start LCDd and you should get a get a Clients: 0 and Screens: 0 on the LCD Screen.
Set parameters in lcdproc.conf file then launch lcdproc.
Set parameters in lcdproc.conf file then launch lcdproc.
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